Hispanic Entertainment Alliance Logo


Alianza de Entretenimiento Hispano

Un centro para los creativos, emprendedores y seguidores hispanos y latinoamericanos. Creamos redes, oportunidades y compartimos ideas que conducen al crecimiento mientras celebramos nuestra colorida herencia.

Established in 2019, we are a vibrant community dedicated to Hispanic and Latin American creatives, entrepreneurs, and their supporters. Through networking, collaboration, and cultural celebration, we create opportunities, share ideas, and amplify voices in the entertainment industry and beyond.

Colorful heritage flags

Get Featured in Our Newsletter

Get Featured in Our Newsletter

newsletter writing

We are currently curating our first official newsletter to share and promote:

  • News and industry updates

  • Job and internship opportunities

  • Events, including showcases, album release events, writer’s nights, film premieres, and more by Hispanic/Latiné creatives

Submit Your Event

To be considered, submit a 150-word description of your event, including relevant links, to: